Friday, January 22, 2010

Your toys suck!

So, as stated in the previous post, you got several noisy toys for Christmas. Not just toys that make a little noise... Annoying toys that make lethal amounts of noise.

Anyways, that's not the main thing that makes them suck... It's actually something far more sinister... The music that they play is full of poor technique.

Take for instance the driving toy you got... It has a steering wheel and countless buttons that trigger awful sounds of varying sorts. Anyways, one of the buttons is a radio button that plays a couple different songs. One is the ABC song... And the vocals are somewhat off pitch. The other song is "Dina won't you blow your horn"... And it is so repulsively off key. Granted, it sounds like a little child is singing, but I really don't care... Get a kid that can sing well. The other song that plays occasionally is "Are you driving"... not a famous song. But it is set to the music of "Frère Jacques"... The pitch is decent, but not great. But what is really bad is the tempo... The vocals are half a measure off at the end of the song.

You also got this bear that sings the ABC song and some numbers song that I've never heard. It's cute, and you love it, but again, I give it an F for technical proficiency. The ABCs song ends a half step higher than it starts... And the numbers song is just stupid.

We got you a set of instruments for Christmas... It had a harmonica, a tambourine, castanets, and a wooden xylophone. For the most part, it's good... Except for the xylophone. It out of tune... It is supposed to be a major scale, and it is, except for the 3rd... It is a half step too low, making the scale sound minor at first, and then finish major.

Big deal, right? It's just a kids toy...
I don't want you learning improper technique during the most formative years of your life! That's just setting you up to be tone deaf... Or to have tempo problems... Or a bass player!
I don't appreciate it. Not one bit. Maybe I will remove that one key from the xylophone... Or the batteries from the other toys... I don't know. But something needs to be done.

I love you!